Stranded & Streaming
Originally planned as a TV show where two guys provide commentary on the latest films and shows, ends up being a hit movie review podcast after a disastrous movie projector explosion. Every week the shows hosts Dylan and Carter will bring you the best in film and streaming reviews.
Stranded & Streaming
Dylan & Carter
Season 1
Episode 16
Imagine a world where the entire global infrastructure is crippled by a rapidly spreading novel virus with no cure. Shouldn’t be too hard to imagine something like that after living through similar circumstances these past couple years!
Contagion tells the story (through multiple perspectives) of a global pandemic from Patient Zero, through the chaos and shutdown of society, to an eventual cure, and all the struggles in between. Some would say this movie feels a little too real to watch now, but it makes us wonder… is Steven Soderbergh a time traveler? Was he trying to warn us? What will he show us next?!
If there’s only one thing you learn from Contagion, let it be this: wash your hands and stop touching your face!