Stranded & Streaming
Stranded & Streaming
The Emperor's New Groove
Emperor’s New Groove-
If you’ve ever wondered why Llamas are so revered in South American cultures, Disney has the answer! In this beloved tale we see Kuzco, the noble and selfless ruler of (definitely NOT) Meso-America, be turned into a llama as the result of a simple misunderstanding between him and his former advisor. Just kidding, he totally deserved it. Kuzco will have to eat a big slice of humble pie and learn to be a friend if he wants to become human again! Full of magic, suspense, panthers, revenge, a narrowly avoided federal crime involving the postal service, and a literal plot hole identified by yours truly, this one has it all! Well, almost… just need to find a good spot for the pool!
*this episode sponsored by Mudka’s Meat Hut, home of the Double Heartburn and Deep Fried Doorstop Combo Meal!